A Boys Future

Saturday, February 28, 2009

So whats it about PT

I have lived here 22 years, almost 23. I moved here to get away from a variety of awful stuff happening in NY. And within months got pregnant with Nina. I was surrounded by a circle of hippy pagan types that totally fit us. Also by some very strong women who like me, had been through hell. And that was fantastic. Many of the people I met back then are still here, though not all. This community offers incredible support and friendship. It has carried me through all sorts of times. Thank you PT

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Planning for a future

For two months I have lived with this young man. I provide for his needs like a mother. And I will continue in this role for at least two more years.

There is so much that is a mystery to me. Most of the time he seems like a kid who has been pretty traumatized and is just begining to experience and learn things beyond the noise in his head, and that may be true. But there are other truths or guesses they make like fetal alcohol effect, and ptsd, maybe aspergers, and on and on.

I know living with him that he is defiitely "wired differently" than most of us. And I know he fluctuates from almost normal for his age to basically a happy preschooler.

What I don't know is what is next. What are the realistic goals and who helps?